Lift & Escalator

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Leading the industry;
setting the standard for
lift excellence.

We’ve provided truly independent advice about the lift and escalator industry for over 30 years. From lift design and engineering to admin support and lift management, it’s our job to help lift owners understand and manage the challenges they face.

What We Do

Expert, impartial solutions tailored to you.

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Independent lift inspections

We provide our clients with information, technical advice and accurate reports which enables them to make quantified judgements and to plan for the future – something that’s absolutely key to successful lift management.

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bespoke lift maintenance contracts

Many lift contractors tend to offer maintenance contracts that suit their own criteria and have a bias towards their own business plans. However, with ILECS, you can enhance your lift and escalator maintenance with optimised contracts, written professionally and independently to suit your needs.

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OneVision lift management

If you’re responsible for managing a lift in a building or a larger portfolio of lifts across multiple buildings, our bespoke OneVision lift management service enables one visual source of crucial data. By outsourcing your lift management to our subject matter experts, you’ll save time, money and stress.

client testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it…

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Our Expertise

Our dedicated team brings a breadth of experience across all solutions.

ILECS is made up of an expert team of lift & escalator consultants, OneVision account managers and support staff that are based at our head office in Essex and throughout the UK.